Monday, June 21, 2010


Thanks Drea for agreeing to help with writing out the birthday cards. I know it's part of your duty but I still wanna thank you beforehand! I guess you haven't seen the entire list yet :P

Don't forget we can't do any wedding preparation during AUGUST. Chinese believe that no wedding preparations/ weddings should happen during the 7th month in the Chinese calendar. Here's a list of other beliefs, for fun's sake!

Wedding invitations will be sent out to Vietnam, LA, Melbourne & Perth friends and relatives in July. Local invitations will be sent out in September.

Hungry Ghost Festival Superstition & Myths 

  1. Do not wear anything black so that ghost will not come close to you.
  2. Do not wear anything that has a bell on it. Example, bracelet or charms with bells. Bells attract ghost.
  3. Do not hang out your clothes at night. New ghost that are being blown onto your clothes will not be able to come out. Wearing these clothes will not be good for you.
  4. All clothing should be kept inside the house before 5pm.
  5. Umbrellas should be kept close and outside the house. No umbrellas should be kept inside the house.
  6. Do not go out at night.
  7. No swimming during the 7th month. The water ghosts will pull you into the water.
  8. Do not go to the beach on the 7th month.
  9. Do not let anyone pat on your shoulder. If someone does that to you, do not turn and look.
  10. You should not whistle, sing or scream during the 7th month. You will attract ghost.
  11. No wedding/engagement preparation during the 7th month. Of course, no wedding and engagement to be held on the 7th month.
  12. Do not buy any property, do any renovations, or move your house during the 7th month.
  13. Do not turn and look when someone calls your name at night.
  14. Do not step or cross over ashes and offerings for the ghost.
  15. Do not comment/complain/feedback on the smell or burnt incense paper flying all over the place.
  16. Do not travel overseas during the 7th month.

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